The Fast is just 3 weeks away – Let’s team up now!

With your help, we can continue to partner with communities to build water systems, bridges, sanitation systems, and other critical infrastructure facilities that will improve community health and create sustainable livelihood opportunities.

The 2019 EIA Annual Fast will be held from 7:30pm on Thursday, October 3rd to 7:30am on Saturday, October 5th. Fasting for 36 hours helps us to appreciate what it is like to have to go without essential nourishment and the funds raised will directly benefit families in need of critical infrastructure in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Eswatini. Click the link above to sign up and start fundraising or click below to make a general donation to the EIA Annual Fast. Thanks!

Becoming a faster is easy to do and it’s fun. We’ll give you all the tools you’ll need to make a difference. You and your Fast supporters will give hope to people in great need and provide a pathway out of poverty and despair.

Clean Water Shouldn’t Be A Luxury!

Team members, 50% of the funds that you raise will be credited to your 2020 EIA fees. Sign up as a team or as an individual, just make sure to include your team name so we know who to credit.